

Welcome to AWANA!   You may be asking what is AWANA -  It is Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.  
AWANA is based on 2 Timothy 2:15  "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
AWANA is a fun approach to making the Bible alive and important in our children's lives.  The Bible verses and spiritual truths can be applied to their every day living.  Life lessons that feed the soul and games and activities that train their bodies to be the best they can be for Christ.   I can remember growing up lessons learned while I was having fun were the best and many are still remembered today. 
AWANA is temporarily on a short break to look at improvements and new material for our ministry. 
Please contact our church office for more details.    

Men's Ministry Image

Men's Ministry

  Please join us on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship and planning on how we can reach our community for Christ.  It will be great to get together to work for His kingdom.   See you there!
We would love to hear any mission project ideas you may have.     
There is a  Men's Bible Study and Breakfast every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m.   The current location is Chick-Fil-A in Beaufort.   Please contact the church for further info.   

WMU - Women's Missionary Union Image

WMU - Women's Missionary Union

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Happy New Year!   I hope all are starting this year with a new devotion to Christ.    
We are excited to announce that we surpassed our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this year.   Shell Point set a goal of $1500.00, at last count we were slightly over $1800.00.  Praise the Lord. 
Upcoming in February is our focus on Missions.  Please join us on February 16, 2025 to recognize our mission leaders at Shell Point Baptist Church.  I want to say a special thank you to Ms. Fran, she is so wonderful in putting together our beautiful displays and hosting our monthly WMU luncheons.   We are so blessed to have her.   
Please look at church calendar for upcoming events.   May God bless each of you.   In Christ,   Jenny Durham, WMU